Desirable South Fort Collins Location surrounded by residential with strong demographics. Building Envelope B is 6,098 SF with some infrastructure and parking in place. Should accommodate a building footprint up to 5,000 SF. Clean Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood District (LMN) Uses include: Mixed-use dwelling units, Retail stores, Convenience retail stores, Personal and business service shops, Small animal veterinary facilities, Offices, financial services and clinics, Community facilities, Child care centers, Neighborhood support/recreation facilities, schools, Limited indoor recreation establishments, Open-air farmers markets, Places of worship or assembly, Dog day care, Music studio, Micro brewery/distillery/winery, Standard fast food restaurants (without drive-in or drive-thru facilities), Artisan and photography studios and galleries, Convenience retail stores with fuel sales that are at least 3/4 mile from any other such use and from an gasoline station, Grocery store, Health and membership club, provided it is combined with at least one other use.